These methods include peephole optimization, fast instruction dispatch, neural network based garbage collection and fast Just-In-Time optimization. 包括四种方法:即窥孔优化(peepholeoptimization),快速指令分发,基于神经网络的垃圾搜集以及快速的Just-In-Time及时编译等算法和技术。
Based on the GCC and SDCC compiler system, such as peephole optimization techniques commonly used in the design of the intermediate code optimization, Then, give an optimized design to three commonly used in industry Algorithm matrix addition, Simpson problem, and Fast Fourier Transform. 本文基于GCC和SDCC等编译系统中常用的窥孔优化技术,设计对中间代码进行优化,对矩阵加法、辛普森、快速傅里叶变换计算等三种工业上常用的计算方法进行优化。